Hi, I'd like to upgrade from Ubuntu as some things about it annoys me, like the fact that it is not recommended to be root by default. Please share your experiences. - MacOs is not an option. Thanks!
I run Debian. You can have a root account in Deb, but to run as root full-time is silly. Especially in Linux, where even a normal user has plenty of privileges to run things as expected without making your system virus bait like Windows. Of course running as a fully-privileged user is always a bad idea, no matter what OS. That's why Symbian-based phones were getting compromised so easily; some phone manufacturers were shipping so that all apps ran as a root equivalent. What are you looking to do with your OS? Why do you want to run as root full-time?
Debian, huh - OK thanks, it's on my list of posibilities. First of all, I'd like you to know, I've got dual boot with Windows XP. 1. Wordprocessing, presentetaions, surfing, programming, waching movies. 2. I am a silly man, but I guess root at all time isn't necessary.
You might want to try Sidux first by running it live, and see if Debian's for you. I find Ubuntu slow, bloated and cumbersome personally, but Deb suits my needs nicely. We even have a custom kernel repository to help you get the most out of Debian: HWF Custom Kernel Wiki If not, there are a whole lot of distros out there: http://distrowatch.com/search.php?c...ll&desktop=All&architecture=All&status=Active ...surely one will suit you?
OK, thanks again. I've got some more questions but I'll probably have even more as I've gone through the pages you linked - which will take a while, stay tuned.