Why doesn't hardwareforums.com utilize a custom URL icon representing the site? It's simple to implement, and could really add a professional and distinctive touch to the site. For instance an "H", or a hammer, or a PCB or something.
its possible! you mean the one when you add the site to your favs or the one which appears near where it says Address in IE? post a icon and i'll use it a good one that is
Perhaps we could throw together some concept ideas, then have a quick poll to see which idea is the favored one? After all, "there is wisdom in the council of many" -King Solomon
URL Icon Poll Here's a few potential URL icons I've worked up. I wish I was an artist, but I'm not. Well, if any of these are good enough, I suggest you run a poll to see which would be best accepted as the new [interrum] URL icon.
hey anti! are these the ones you gona send me in the email? I like the first and second one...I'll try them out to see how they look!
Yeah same ones, I've emailed them to you already scaled to icon size and saved in icon format. They're all both 32x32 and 16x16. My advice is to judge them at the 16x16 resolution, 'cause that'll be the way they're seen by most people.
Thanks Originally I was going to make it a hammer, but I figured that'd be a little too Tom's Hardware. And a PCB would just look silly at 16x16, wouldn't it? Well anyway, I hope somebody else makes a better one. I did all four with The GIMP, and didn't really spend a lot of time doing it either. I realize I don't have much in the realm of artisitic ability.