... I've read that you can set the Table % to 100, and regardless of the screen resolution, the content of a webpage will fill it up. I've tried it this way but the slices spread apart too much and look ridiculous. Any info appreciated.
I'm not quite sure what you mean? we have the forums, setup as %100 width. you can setup the table as 100% and then the cells inside as 60/40 or what ever looks best.
Yeh I didn't explain that too good. I sliced up a site and opened it in frontpage. It's aligned in the centre, but there is background on both sides. It shows fine on 800x600, but not 1024*768, or any other reso. Is there a way to get the page to completely fill the screen, regardless of what resolution the monitor is?
I think it's a matter of playing with the cells (colspan, rowspan, cellspading(sp?), etc.) You can go to www.w3c.org There you'll find all the methods, properties and objects you can use with xhtml, as well as javascript and others.
do you have this page online? I can have a look! also you mention you are using frontpage?!?!?! you should download a trial version of dreamweaver mx its the best!
http://www.freewebtown.com/brokenblue/Test.html Some of the slices may be missing cos i could'nt be assed to upload them all, but you should get a rough idea. On 800x600, it displays perfectly. Any other resolution, and it has those borders on the left and right.
Just a friendly reminder: you should follow standards to make sure your page has a better chance at being viewable by more browsers. I can't do much since I don't have all your images. But I'd try to put percentages instead of integers for the dimensions of your lines, columns and cells.