Hey Im planning on ordering my web hosting package and i was wondering what you guys though about this http://www.resellerzoom.com/budget-reseller.shtml# , option budget 1. Im pretty stingy with my cash and i don't expect my site to get anymore than 500 clicks a month and i seriously doubt it will even close to that. The site needs to have a forum and a live audio feed aswell as online audio and videos. I think the site allows all these things, is that correct? Thanx
Yeah that should be fine..as you say, if you aren't expecting a huge amount of traffic, 30 gigs a month is plenty. Streaming video and audio can cut up bandwidth quite bad, but that's a decent enough package and so should suffice.
I don't want to plug it too much but my host has a pretty good deal, he's a friend of mine and for a similar price ($4.99 ~ £2.49) you can get 3.5GB of space and 60GB bandwidth, it's probably more than what you'll need though, also setting up a forum is easy I'm a complete n00b and using phpBB (installed it through cPanel) it was done in like 5 minutes...the configuration took a bit longer but the basic forum was up and running very quickly. The website for the host I'm using is www.as-hosting.com
hi, I use http://www.streamlinenet.co.uk/ they have an Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited space deal works out at just over £3.30 a month. Although it might be larger than you need, it deffinatley allows you to expand. And it also includes 1 free .co.uk Domain name. More detaills on their Unlimited User package Hope This Helps
ComputerBoff, thanx alot for that link, it looks superb. And thanx for the other suggestions guys. Im going to pay for it today so hopefully i should have the site sorted in around a week
hey Ok just checked out both hosts recommended, and i had to decline them both. One needed paypal and i don't have that and the other i needed to pay anually and i needed to pay monthly so i had to go with original suggestion. Anyway thanx for the suggestions. But i no have a problem, i have purchased my domain name and the web hosting package but when i go to change the nameservers in the domain control panel it says unmodifiable. What can i do? Thanx
i found ur solution dog its a bit more money but its amazing service unlimited bandwith and 20K megs of space. http://www.integrahost.com/plans.php
I would suggest you check out www.webhostingtalk.com HWF was hosted with www.asmallorange.com who provided excellent support. The downtime was very little if any.