I don't game a lot, I have been playing Far Cry (a tiny amount) but Enemy Territory has me hooked...I love that game...
Painkiller: Battle Out of Hell, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, World of Warcraft on PC. Prince of Persia: Two Thrones, The Suffering, Gungrave Overdose on PS2. Dynasty Warriors, Lord of the Rings Tactics, Prince of Persia Revelations on PSP. Nintendogs, Castlevania, Mario Kart on NDS. Metroid Prime 2 on Gamecube. Conker Live and Reloaded, Fahrenheit on Xbox. Goldeneye, Lylat Wars on N64. Shadowrun, Super Metroid on SNES. Condemned on 360. I think that's everything... wow... I have too much free time.
Been playing some Dungeon Siege II (great game). Also, Counter-Strike is popular here at school, so I get a few good rounds in a day. I also picked up Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver for the PC. An old game, but a goodie. I never played it when it was in its prime, and Raziel is such a cool character. I couldn't stop myself
If you like Soul Reaver you should try the rest of the series, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, Blood Omen 2, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain Defiance, all amazingly good games.
I just got done with a guild wars binge. I think i dang near played myself out of that game... I never thought I'd say this, but I'm on to WoW. It has a lot to do with my roommates playing it, but it has become pretty interesting for me lately. Other than that, I have been playing the following on occasion: UT2k4, Alien Swarm (Mod for UT2k4), Rune, and Neverwinter Nights (recently got a proper patch for the Linux port). So not a lot of spectacular games graphically, but certainly great for gameplay.
Wow WWR, I knew you were hardcore but I didn't realize you owned that many platforms! Sweet. Well for PC I was playing HL2 and HL1 sort of. FEAR off and on again. Freedom Fighters. And I've come to enjoy StarWars Battlefront II despite it's tendency to lock up and be all weird. As for the PS2 I was messing around with VanHelsing, just finsished Jak and Daxter 1, I'm stuck on Jak II, so Devil May Cry I is totally taking up my life now, that game is one of my all time favs. Highly recommended for anyone with a PS2 and even a vague interest in action adventure games.
hehe, get this - I am playing Shining Force 2 on the Sega MegaDrive These old 16-BIT games have so much character and charm.
Yeah Michael Jackson's Moonwalker still holds a special place in my heart after all this time. I imagine I'm one of the few people who actually bothered to make it to the last series of level (which are bloody hard by the way).
I loved that game as a kid I never managed to complete it though. I think I got as far as the level where Micheal turns into an aircraft Have you ever played the arcade version? It's completely different to the MegaDrive. It's a side-scrolling beat-em-up. I've played it on the old System16 emulator for the PC. Real classic
Actually I was refering to the arcade version, were you rescue the kid from the closets and fight zombies and gansters. Good times right there. ------------------ My friend from school just loaned me Blade Of Darkness which is sort of a action RPG type thing. A little lame in my opinion and really hard but the realtime damage modeling on you and your enemies (including dismemberment, you can even beat dudes with they buddies arms), is quite impressive despite the dated look. I believe you have this game right UnSeEn?
Hmm, was playing Guild wars, though I'm getting a bit burnt out after 120 hours. Strangely, I've really been enjoying the Diablo: Lord of Terror module for Neverwinter Nights. It's a truly excellent total conversion, lets you play Diablo on a relatively modern 3D engine with much more gameplay choices than the original game offered. Also, UT2k4, the Alien Swarm mod for UT2k4, Stronghold, and Rune Coop. So yeah, mostly old games since I beat Q4.
Well, ive only just got broadband, so ive kind of played CSS and DoD:source for a week solid. Im going to reinstall UT2k4 and im going to try quake4. u think f any other multiplayer games that come into their own online? (except BF2, im going to get that soon...)
By BF2 do your mean BattleField 2 or StarWars BattleFront II? As both are basically a dish meant to be served online.