Currently I own the xbox and the Sony PSP But I have had the Master System (I think thats the name), Mega Drive, PSX, and PS2.
which consoles have you own/ed? I have the ps2 and n64. Ive had the xbox,snes, nes amiga 5000, ps1, gameboy, gameboy pocket, gameboy advance, mega drive and tv boy Thats about it I think
Let's see, I currently own a SNES, PSX, PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Mega Drive, Master System, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Nintendo DS, N64. I used to have an Amiga and some other older machines but I can't remember their names.
XBox, PS2 (slimline and old big one) Mega Drive, Playstation (although this isn't used because of the PS2's) GameGear, GameBoy, GameBoy Colour, GameBoy Advance, and an old orange thing which is older than I am and plays pong using an up-and-down joystick, it was like one of the first game consoles to come out (I think)
which consoles have you own/ed? nes,sega,original gameboy,gameboy color,gba,gbasp,sega 16bit special edition, n64, gamecube,xbox
which consoles have you own/ed? nes, snes, sega saturn, sega genesis, sega cd, i had a prototype tester n64, game boy, game boy pocket, game boy color, playstation, ps2, xbox, neogeo pocket, gamegear.
which consoles have you own/ed? i have owned amiga 500(if that counts as a games console, cos i could only get it to play games), sega mega drive, game gear, gameboy pocket, playstation, playstation 2 and some old wierd giant thing that can only play games like ping pong.
willhub was the old giant thing orange and had only up-and-down joysticks? if so then i have the same thing.
which consoles have you own/ed? no it was all black, its like 30 years old lol, it was my mum/mums 2 brothers when they were little. to give you an idea of how old it is, my mum had it when she was little and she is now 47.
aha quite an old console then, mine plays pong, football tennis when essentially they are all the same thing on it
which consoles have you own/ed? lol, i wonder how much it will be worth now, its stuck in the loft at moment, and i dont know what would posess someone to buy somthing that old.
collectors, they pay thousands for old consoles (well the original pac mand and space invaders anyway) maybe that will be worth a few hundred hopfully more
which consoles have you own/ed? kool, might persuade my mum to sell it, then i could get some extra bread for spending on computer. i remember about 7 years ago, i was adicted to lemmings and pac man on the amiga 500, and all the sonic series on the sega, they were just really good games, and the graphics for pac man and lemmings were amazing for the amiga 500, i always wanted an amiga 2000 i think, i cant remember exatly what make it was but it was a higher spec one.
Sonic=Greatest game ever made Lemmings=an amazingly addictive game where i used to just try and kill them in the most novel way i could (build up.....fall off.....dig through.....burn in fire....mwa ha ha ha)
which consoles have you own/ed? SONIC IS AMAZING yeah its the highlight to my segas, have like 5 games haha its addicting
i have about 20 sega games stuffed in my wardrobe. oooo ooo, i know a great game for the sega, it was one of the best, dont if you have heard of it, its called streets of rage. i also have a game that i dont get, its called risky woods, i just did not understand that game, i got it for my birthday along with sonic 3, sonic 3 was crap, sonic 2 was the best, i seemed like sonic 1 and 2 carried on from each other.