I tried to network two computers together today and all hell broke loose. I took both comps (one being a desktop tha other a Shuttle XPC, both runnin XP sp2) The XPC has onboard 10/100/1000mbs The desktop has onboard 10/100mbs I attached a crossover cable between them. I started both computers. They both got to work by themselves but at the end both computers said in the systray icon: (Local area connection Speed: 100mbs Status: Limited or no connectivity) I then Started the network wizard and worked through that on the Desktop pc. I then had to restart that computer and it asked me to re-activate windows!!? . I clicked yes to activate windows but the computer crashed! :swear: When it booted back up it said there was a problem causing windows not to verify activation :swear: . I clicked yes to try activating again and successfully re-activated windows via telephone as it wouldnt recognize my internet connection. :swt: The desktop is running again but I am reluctant to use the network wizard again :swt: Can someone tell me exactly how to network these two computers for gaming and file sharing (remember I am directly connecting them with a crossover cable). I dont want to share an internet connection and dont want to have to re-activate windows a third time. And if possible not have to use the windows network wizard. Thank you for your patience
You don't need the Windows Networking Wizard at all. I'll walk you through the manual method, which gives better results in the end. On one machine, you should add a user group called "Network" or something similar. Then, add a new user account, and remove that user from any normal groups it might belong to (i.e. "Users", "Administrators"). Then make it a member of the "Network" group, or whatever you chose to call it. Next, create a folder which will contain the files you will be sharing. Share the folder to only the group "Network" (or whatever you chose to call your new group). Now do the same on your other machine. (The preceding was stolen and adapted from this thread)
Uhh thats a little vague for me. (bit of newbie at this sort of thing) how do you create a new user group? Basically what would help are some more detailed step by step instructions. I really appreciate your quick response :good:
I was hoping you wouldn't say that. I don't have any Windows systems, so I'll have to walk you through this from memory. I could be a bit off, since my memory sucks! * Go to the Control Panel, change to classic interface * Open Administrative Tools * Choose Users/Groups ...it gets a little hazy from there, since I only use Linux or Unix-variants on the server end. Sorry! If you can't figure it out from there, I'll get access to a Windows box at one of the places I work, and walk you through it with one right in front of me.
If you still have problems just give me a bell and when i get time i'll write u out a step by step guide :good:
Well after a night of messing around I managed to get them networked. I can now Lan game but am still having trouble with file sharing. I take a folder on the server computer and tell it to share the folder on the network. Only trouble is it doesnt show on the other one.