I wasnt to put a window kit on my Coolermaster CM5 case.. Nothing fancy, a rectangular/square with one(maybe 2) 120MM fans on it. I have never done a case modding to this magnitude, I do have a dremel though Would it be better if I bought a window kit rather then buying the parts at my local hardware store? Also I have been looking around on the web and I see a lot of different options for window mods, is there a particular brand or website I should look at if I do decide to buy one?
why not make a project of it. Do a complete DIY mod. Get your own plexiglass and fashion your own window.
I can't understand why anyone wants coloured lights on their pc, but if you insist do yr moding on a removable panel so the pc isn't showered with metal pieces. Work on the panel well-away from the pc, making sure there is enough room for the bits you fit, connectors for fans etc. That's why a kit is "probably" a better option (or a new case, see below) There is a down-side that we never read about - these plastic windows allow interference to escape! Cases (were) built with careful attention to providing an rf screening function - now it's forgotten! Consider also that clear-plastic panels will be slightly noisier compared with metal, so don't go for the thinest. I'd suggest 3mm as a minumum. beware also that some plastics are quite brittle and can shatter, spoiling the effect. How are you going to hold the plastic in place, how will you make a safe-edge for the metal (to avoid injury)? - I'm surprised that it isn't time to buy a new case, with a bigger psu, extra fans built-in etc.....a lot less bother esp if you have to ask (here) before you take the plunge....what-if it goes wrong?
I like DIY, probably saves money though it is a bit of work. At my local lumber store they sell UV reactive plastics sheets, and all kinds of fun stuff that could really make a window project look nice, so you might wanna check that. And if you have a cheap case anyway theres not much to lose trying. If you have an expensive case though.... be careful!
With a kit or DIY, measure twice, cut once. Yes, having a window does allow EMI to escape, but it doesn't seem to be to the point where you're going run into a problem in most cases. You *might* if you have a radio sitting out toward it, but the signal would be a little funny. Also, if it were an serious issue, wouldn't you have serious issues anytime you opened up the case for repair and had it running? A PC made entirely out of plexiglass, yeah, I can see that as a potential issue, but even then, I'm very skeptical in most situations.
just curious but why are you being such a downer. I don't mean to be honstile in any way, but this isn't really that big of an undertaking, its one panel, and if it goes wrong he can get a new one. Even then its kinda hard to really mess it up.