Quite the deal really, that's a lot of card for $70, granted it is a mail in rebate but you can then put that $50 to a new game or something. Can't really beat it for the price, 256-bit, 256MB DDR2, not too shabby.
Here's the catch. The memory's clocked @ 400mhz instead of 490mhz, that's the difference between DDR2 and DDR3 models. I'd stay clear of this one. One thing though, the sticker that says GTO2 at the bottom. I wonder where that's coming from because Gecube doesn't make GTO2 cards, in fact I believe only Sapphire makes those. EDIT: it seems this is just part of the company's model number for the card. It's not a gto2. It's a crippled gto.
Weird, yeah I wonder what's going on with that too. I wouldn't worry about the clockspeeds, you could bump them up yourself anyway. It's a potentially $70 card, I wouldn't expect amazing things from it.
I understand you could oc it, but I believe this card has 2.5ns memory, which equals to 400 mhz, so it's already at its maximum capacity. My gto has 2ns memory = 500 mhz. Also having the extra molex connector on the card helps in ocing. GTOs can oc quite a lot but mine doesn't have the connector so right now, it's stuck at 450/500 (to keep it stable).Better cooling might improve this a bit, but I'll never get a 540/540 oc like some others do. If you can find a gto2, that would be a better choice if you don't wanna' spend much, since it has 16 pipes enabled, as opposed to 12. I'm sure there are still a few available. Powercolor also makes a gto 16, which is the same as a gto2.
I'm not really in the market for this card in particular man, after all I'm still running AGP, but I just thought I'd let some people know.
man Y dont they have deals n prices like that in britain, even though the place where i purchase is cheaper than others, it is still expensive compared to the us
Well to use it seems cheaper because of the exchange rate (something like £1 = $1.9) which makes things in America so much cheaper than what the are over here.