HTML - Background Refreshes?

Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by m60dude5, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. m60dude5

    m60dude5 Geek Trainee

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    Hi guys,
    I have a simple page with some html. I set the background for the whole site using css in the body tag. The problem is, everytime I reload the page, the background reloads causing a flashing effect. How can I stop that, and only load the background once. Thanks
  2. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    Can you link to a example? if the image is very large it will happen but only once (first page load).
  3. m60dude5

    m60dude5 Geek Trainee

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    Thanks for the reply. I can't really give you an example, since it is only happening on the Intranet I'm developing on the network.
    I know what you mean, that it should only flash once when loading, but the bg image appears to reload on each page refresh causing a really annoying flash. I want it to load once, and then stay still as the pages load on top???
  4. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    if you attach the file I can have a look to see if anythings wrong.

    have you tried to view the page in different browsers to see if the same thing happens?
  5. m60dude5

    m60dude5 Geek Trainee

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    Thanks for the reply. I tested this site in Firefox and Safari, and neither one flashed like Internet Explorer. That's kind of odd since ASP.NET is microsoft's language, but anyway.
    Since then, I have deleted the background and resaved it, and the problem no longer occurs. I'm not sure what it was, but...
    Thanks for your help, I guess I'll say this is solved since it works fine now.


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