The Netherlands and Islam

Discussion in 'The War Zone' started by Swansen, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    So, first off.... i don't know what to say, its the death of free speech, and freedom.

    I'm sure some of you have seen this stuff, its honestly pretty crazy to me, all in all. First off, there is nothing wrong with the Muslim religion, its all about interpretation. The problem comes from radicals who twist the Koran's word, its messed up, so all this is the result, bottom line, its just crazy people out there that make life such a problem for everyone else. However, i do believe it is a problem, people are just so lost and sometimes uneducated they don't know what to believe or follow, and they usually find the wrong person to mentor them. On that, anyone that believes that God, or "their God" tells them to kill, is insane, i don't care, its just like the Catholics in the middle ages, and that was the friggin MIDDLE AGES!!

    BBC NEWS | Europe | Islam film Dutch MP to be charged
  2. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    I'll tell you what the problem is. That 2nd link shows information about Geert Wilders. This guy has it's own political party: The party of freedom. He has issues with immigrants in this country, and most of these got the Islam religion. But instead of acting against the issues of immigrants, he actually starts discriminating them by their religion. Stuff like that the Islam is a lie, and if their holy prophet would come to The Netherlands, he'd throw molasses and feathers at him and then chase him out of the country.

    Now stuff like that only creates more trouble, and is not the solution. And the anti-Islam movie that he made, caused real issues and gave us a bad name. Now he has security and all that stuff, paid by OUR tax money. But when dutch people are on a vacation in an Islam country (in most cases in Turkey), they could get assaulted by the citizens there cause they think that all Dutch people are racists.

    The problem is, that he's acting just like Hitler. He has genius thoughts, but the ideas are getting out of hand. Just like another Dutch political, Pim Fortuyn, he did the same and got killed eventually. They should actually take Geert Wilders without security, bring him to Afghanistan, and then let him have his say...

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