Two Tiered Health Care

Discussion in 'The War Zone' started by Swansen, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    I was reading a forum the other day, and the tittle was something like America vs Canada ?? something to that effect. Anyways, some one brought up two tiered health care. I looked it up and apparently this is something that Canada is really looking into. There is a lot of crowding and long waitlist at various hospitals and a lot of the time patients are told their best options are to go to a US doctor. Anyways, the US healthcare system is a mess, you pay out extreme amounts of money, for about zero return. Half of us want a government run system, and the other half are crazy. (lol, not really, but i still don't understand them) I'm not 100% all for a government run health care system, i would honestly rather keep it privatized, but its just going to take a lot of doing to get the healthcare system back to how it was 8-10 years ago. Bottom line is there needs to be some kind of regulation, and there isn't. ANYWAYS, i am ALL for this idea. A two tiered system would allows those who want to, to get their own insurance plan and see a private practice while everyone would still be allowed basic care, (maybe some surgery and other things) Sounds good, but people will still complain because they have their own health insurance/doctors, but are still paying taxes. I have a solution, you should apply for government health care, and when you apply you have to pay increased taxes for government run health care. If you don't apply, then you don't pay extra taxes and your aren't allowed government health care. It would be like registering to vote or not. This route would take care of both sides on the topic, and obviously it has some flaws, but there could be safe measure put in place, like one you register for government health care, you can't unregistered until a certain time period of criteria is met.

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