title says it really, I'm wondering which would be a better choice in terms of power and if it's worth the added cost to get the 9800 GX2 over 2x 8800GT? note: that's 2 *times* 8800GT in SLI
It seems it depends on the game (see links below). I couldnt find an SLI 8800 GT perofrmance chart, but i would expect a 40 - 60% increase in performance when using SLI. http://www.techspot.com/articles-info/92/bench/Crysis_02.png http://www.techspot.com/articles-info/92/bench/Crysis_01.png If your going for DX10 games I would choose the 9800, otherwise if DX9 games (and NOT thinking of the future) then I would get the 8800 GT SLI
9800gx2 is a better performer then 8800gt's in sli, in older or newer games, sli with 8800gt's scales fairly well, somewhere in the line of 70-85% but sli only really benifit gaming on higher re's, 1920x1080 and up...so no, get the 9800gx2