the domain finally got resolved, and its all good. no content, but theres what its gonna look like, and hopefully it works, a rotating banner image which is nice I'll be looking for help making stuff, like flash animations, or funny videos, and as i have a load of bandwidth i'll host it all for you so anything you'd like to see there, i'll put up with the your name on it later guys
Cool, nice looking content boxes, like the metalic gradient look. What sort of site is this going to be? Once I know I'll have a better idea of what would be appropriate for it. :good:
its gonna be primarily to give potential customers an insight as to my ability in web design (like all those big words?), but i also want to upload of useless crap/games/flash/videos and practice coding really.
take a look now, if you please. i need some suggestions for what to put on the the sides? like where i have navigation/affiliates etc etc, i need some more side content, page looks too empty. any ideas?
good idea, thanks. i've found a script for random quotes, and tweaked that. and i've only now discovered i can upload sql commands from a text file, directly into phpmyadmin :x: I currently have 5 tuts on random, so assuming i put all of the tutorials in one database, i could then start getting more advanced in terms of searching and ordering them?