Hello I have just been wondering what type of database should I be learning, in regards to website development. Regards Dariusz Krak
MySQL is the most popular one, as it's your standard relational database, is free, and is supported by a lot of web servers and web platforms (including many frameworks)
That what I was thinking, I could not find it in Dreamweaver. Maybe it will be somewhere in CS5. Do you have any good books maybe on mind? I have been using W3Schools Online Web Tutorials for learning, do you know something similar for MySQL? Thank you for replay.
In my experience, its better to find any of the big databases in any reasonably sized corporation. as I know "exclusive Oracle" shops that also supported a couple of SQLServer databases, and "exclusive IBM shops" that had Oracle or Sybase installs hanging around. Learn basic SQL anywhere and then pick up the administration for one or two of the big guys (Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2) and the free/open ones (MySQL, postgreSQL, etc.) are always great for learning and in some business applications.