Hi, i just found this great site, when you go to the forums, and look at someone profile, some of them have blogs, as this forum enables you to have blogs in your profiles, i think this would be a great idea to have in HWF too. In the midle area of the profile it would be good to have a blog spot there, so now and again, the member can posts things into there blog.
I already have something but its currently in beta stages, when the author releases the final version, I will install it and see how it goes.
you allready have a blog in beta stages? kool, great How long do you have any idea untill it could be put up? if you need a member to test it would it be possible for a member like me to test it?
hmm, do we really want to introduce blogs. Like i dunno, there fine and all, but i dunno, thats just my opinion though.
There good too, talk about random crap in them, you got a new pc? say yay i got a new pc here are the specs etc.., ebtter than filling the general forum. Also if the blog thing does go ahead, would be nice to be able to customize it, cutsom background, maybe some preset colour schemes / skins for the blong aswell?
Maybe have a section on the main page for a "Featured Blog / Blogger" or something, blogs are cool, as long as people write useful stuff in them rather than just "omg I like so totally saw the gheyest thing earlier!!11!"