Hey guys I just finished by project to create a simple Roulette game, I just need to make sure it runs correctly without having c++ installed on another computer. thanks
Works fine now, only all I can do is click Bid, watch a timer and then watch it 'spin'. everything else is greyed out.
are you sure, after the spin, the collect button should be enabled. just some info; after clicking make bids, you have 10 seconds to make the bids, after which no bids can be made, then you spin the wheel, which takes 10 seconds. Then you should be able to click the collect button, to collect the winnings.
EDIT hahah never mind, just myself being newbish. Very clever , didn't think to drag the counters heh, was looking for a button or something
I'll try it out later after school, do you mind posting the source code, I want to know how you got those images of the chips in C++. edit: nevermind. I've got the .net framework installed, so I can't tell whether you need to have it installed to run VC++ programs.
this was done using Borland C++ its like Delphi 7? I can email you the source, just pm your email add to send to.