I would like feedback from you guys, including staff. what are your opinions on expanding the forums to other technology subjects. by that I mean, we can have the gadgetforums.com domain point to gadget forums on here, which will be expanded to fit the extra categories. The same could apply to thegamingforums.com as for zone365 we could have dvd zone, software zone, pc hardware zone, ps3 zone, for each we could have reviews, news, previews etc etc etc This would be quite simple to do, so its more like a network of sites under one domain like for example IGN.com I would like to take you back to when we had very few members http://web.archive.org/web/20030320105120/forums.zone365.com/ so you get what I mean Remember these are only ideas, it does not mean any changes will take place.
true HF is growing by the day the gaming forums would be a good move, more younger peoples are joining and they are obsessed often with the gaming market, could prove atractive to new people wishing to register
I'd like to see that, because the 3 subsites aren't being populated, but if there was traffic from all the sites flowing together, with so much to offer, it could be very successful in getting more active forums and members
Yea, TGF and gaming forums are quiet, so to attract new members we need activity. It would also make the HWFs well known and bring gaming geeks to the site.
I actually like the classic style you had there Sniper, it's not real diffferent but something about it appeals to me. Anyway I agree, consolidating all the other mini forums would be a great idea as they don't get any activity almost. I'd personally keep gaming as a whole thread cluster like you had before with different consoles and whatnot. You could have Gaming News, Gaming Advice (for gamers who need help with a level or something), and maybe even a Gamers hardware bin for like Headset and Mouse reviews or whatever.
the gamer thing would be a good attractive idea, have reviews on games and like ex said on mice and keyboards like the diamondback 1600dpi mouse
yeh i can review that I'm up for it, I like writing... but i digress. I like the idea of the different zones, I'd gladly write some material.
Maybe a non-illegal tweak thread? Like how to softmod your video card, or get the most out of your broad band connection, that sort of thing?