hi i am looking for a good fan controller in black that can turn down my fans but also warn me if my system is overheating! if this is possible in hardware or software?? thanks
Hi, One thing you may be offered is the Sunbeam Windmill. Although I have had bad experiences with them you should give it a try. The only thing is it does not support 4 pin fans, even with 4 to 3 pin adapters. You must be using all 3 pins. The digital display on the front tells you the status of up to 7 fans and monitors 3 temps (hdd, cpu and system). Thermal diodes are used to monitor those temps. You can set each readings max temp limit. Then with a dial you can control each fans voltage. There are PCI cards that you hook fans to that allow you to control the fans via software. I don't think they have temp sensors but you should google it because I am sure there is one that does. Sorry for any typos but the keybaord hooked up to my laptop sucks. I would replace it but I almost always use my desktop so why bother.
If you know the size and type of connector you want, you can find temperature control fans all over. You can try eBay. Or you can look at the site Geeks.com - Computer parts, Laptop computers, Desktop computers, Computer hardware and do a search of fans. No, I do not work for thme!
Most modern motherboards offer some sort of temperature fan control for the CPU fan header, so you may not need any sort of fan bus.
I've been looking at fan controllers recently and have found that you have to take the bad with the good. I usually google for reviews of specific parts when I'm looking and have had great success doing so...except in this case. All the sites that review PC hardware agree that fan controllers are really only for die-hard enthusiasts that don't trust their 200$ MoBo to do the job right. The Hardcano series from Thermaltake gets some of the better reviews in this area of hardware and that means it receives about a 7/10 rating. Most other reviews I've seen give 4/10 and 5/10 for a lot of the fan controllers out there. You're most likely better offer getting quality fans and letting your MoBo do the job as a Big B suggested. -Crom