I have an xbox 360 and my favourite games that i have are probably Gun and perfect dark zero i dont like king kong much on the fact i have a non hd tv and it is to dark and another game i like is probably half life 2 but that game is just an xbox game but i bought it becouse it works on backward compatibility on the fact that i havent got an old xbox cheers it's nice chating thanks
My favorite 360 game is definately Call of Duty. Its a fun game wonderful graphics. I also like Madden 2006 and Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Im looking to getr the new Madden when it comes out Saints row and hockey 2007
Saints Row looks like it's the first game to actually do the GTA formula justice really. Should hopefully be a good comtender and a 360 killer app of sorts.
ok.. its silly that i am posting in this thread because i have never played on an Xbox 360 at all, yet i say my fav game is PGR3 because its the only game i would really play if i got an Xbox 360
PGR3 isn't bad but I wasn't quite seeing the amazing mindblowing visuals people were talking about. It was a pretty game for sure and the car models were obviously the stars of the show but the enviroments did not really impress, speed tree is a good idea for racing games but the tree's didn't look too hot, nor did the buildings. I probably wouldn't have cared but I'm not really into realistic racers much so I couldn't help but go aways feeling a bit negitive about the game as a whole. Perhaps the TV I was playing on was just crap (though Samsung doesnt usually make junk TV's).
its the same with loads of racing games, remember GT3 for the ps2? the cars were amazing on that, the grass looked crap though, all that seemed to look good was the cars and the roads, they should take more time and get it all right :good:
heh, cant imagine what that will be like, hope its not like GT4, i got bored of that extreamly quickly, GT3 was always best for me, they should bring GT series out on xbox.
Anybody played Full Auto? I love that its fun to pay two player....not my favourite but still a good game
I played it before. It was really quite fun and can see it being a real hit at parties. From what I've heard from friends and read it's only really fun for the first couple hours though...
Anybody played Gears of War ??? Ohh dear , what a quality game !!! Probably the best game on the 360 thus far !!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Gear's is pretty much the 360's killer app, but one that actually lived up to the nearly impossible expectations. Great reviews across the board. One of my friends is getting it soon so I'll see what he thinks.
The graphics look as good ass ut2k7 on gears of war, i hope gears of war comes out on the pc, cant wait to see if my pc will run it
Ya damn right Willz !!! Allso hope to see it on PC for the simple fact i prefer shooters on the PC , cant beat a mouse in a fire fight , pads seem too clumsy most off the time !! One cracking game though !!:good:
Yea, i am useless when it comes to shooters with gamepads, unless there is auto aim , i tried Halo 2 on the xbox, i was crap, but i rekon i would beat everyones ass if i was using a mouse , i am actually surprised the Xbox 360 can actually run a game with graphics like that, Gears of war is the game that has made me think that the Xbox 360 aint all that bad afterall , but still wont make me buy one
Contra has to be Contra or maybe Gauntlet. JK . I'd say it's a tie between Gears of War & Need For Speed: Most Wanted.
Need For Speed: Most Wanted was ok, i stoped playing it, well that was mostly because i lost the game save , pc and xbox 360 have same graphics for NFSMW right?
The graphics are vertually the same , though it looked better on my 360 than on my pc , one of them games my pc struggled with for some reason !!! Been pretty disapointed with the racing games on the 360 to be honest PGR3 was ok looked good but lacked depth , Test Drive looked the nuts but let down with the game play , not realy a fan of the Burnout series , allso lost interest with NFS after Underground , mainly play Moto GP (even that has issues) on the 360 and GTR2 on the PC !!!
As much as I'd like it I really don't think we'll ever see Gears on PC, MS seems to love flaunting the whole "Only on 360" thing and it would be a big old mess trying to port it over. I think we all know what happened when they tried that with Advanced Warfighter, lag city right there and about 7 people with God's own line of PC's could actually max it. I also would seriously prefer the mouse over the gamepad anyday, except maybe in fighting and platforming type adventure games. I can barely even use a PS2 controller for FPS's, it's really bad for me, Xbox controllers work a lot better for me for some reason that I can't figure. Different tolerances and sensitivities I guess.
My best Games have to be: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and Crackdown (only played briefly but is great) I have also played GOW but don't think its everything its cracked out to be.