ok....so its not THAT bad now that i think of it- i should replay it so i can get my opinion straight, lets just say, part 2 was better and left you craving more RE, then part 3 came out and was like. ok cool, some reference to RE2 but..ehhhh not exactly what i wanted but it'll do. The game was too easy, there was way too much ammo. You found stuff and you could turn it into bullets with your chemistry kit/ammo maker gizmo thingamajig. So it didn't really feel like "survival horror" as much as easy zombie ass kicking fest. While playing as jill was cool cuz she's from part one and you get to see what happens literally right before resident evil 2 and after resident evil 2. (Jill sets things up for Leon and Claire to find) playing as the badly stereotyped spanish dude Carlos was like huh? wtF? where did he come from? They should have chucked in Barry or something like that. Personally, what made the game playable, was whatever it ripped off of from part 2. Anyway, i guess saying "ughhhhh" was a bit extreme as it wasn't a terrible game, it just didn't kick ass like part 2 or code veronica. And as of now, part 4 is just awesome. Its not just a good Resident Evil game, it stands up there with Metal Gear Solid as an overall memorable experience.
Too bad I don't have a gamecube. The remakes of the series look great, I saw my friend play them and there's some incredable artistry and graphics there, best I've seen on the GC (haven't seen RE4 yet).
i'm not sure about the best game ever but probably the best stratagy game ever is between age of mythology gold or rome total war
its a hard decision for me on whats my fav game of all time, it has to be between HL2, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Unreal tournament 2004, those 3 games do kick ass, just had to decide, maybe someone can decide for me
Gran Turismo. Gran Turismo 4 is the best, obviously but I loved all of them, Didnt buy number 2 though. Its all ive ever had on the playstation. I used to play DF2 on the PC. Other than that I just cnt get into them. Rome TW was quite good, till I lost the disks
After replaying them I'm definately giving a nod to WarCraft III and it's Expansion, brilliant RTS's and I'm not even a real fan of the genre. Another good one to check out is Dawn of War, it's easy to pick up yet still feels fresh and origional. Great fun.
PC - GTA San Andreas N64 - Worms armageddon SuperNes - Rock and Roll Racing or Street fighter 2 Mega Drive - Streets of Rage 2 Im a fan of DOW as well, I love stomping across the map with hoards of Orks
Nope, not at all, it's got a great single player, fully featured map editor, and free multiplayer over the internet, no payments after buying the game. It's World of WarCraft that'll charge you. And yeah the Ork's in Dawn of War are very sweet, though I've got to hand it to those Librarians, for having a dorky name they sure can dish out the pain.
FAVORITE game? That's an impossible question when one likes many different genres of games. Ok, here goes: PC FPS: UT2004, Far Cry, HL2 Third Person: Bloodrayne, May Payne 2 RPG: Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate 2, Guild Wars Strategy: Dawn of War, Warcraft 3, Age of Mythology Adventure: Indigo Prophecy I think that about covers it. That's not counting console games, and there ARE a few good ones.
I dunno how you managed to play all those games lol, i have about 20 games installed, and out of those, i like them all, but only managed to play 2 of them, thats GTA SA and UT2004 :good:
Jesus...you haven't seen my collection of games. It's quite large..I'll take a picture. And yes, I play like 5 games at once and complete (or not) them one at a time until they're all done...then I find more....
lol, i used to have about 200 games in pc, ps2 and ps1, sold ps1 and ps2 to get money for my speakers.