On pc it has to be World of Warcraft. Many days ive had off sick just to play it. Xbox - Kung fu chaos, ps2 - Rez, Snes - Mariokart, Saturn - Panzer Dragoon, Atari 2600 - Combat
Yeah I do the multi game thing a lot too. Fortunately I buy almost none of them, UnSeEn has a big part to play in my gaming selection. It can be daunting but it's cool to sample a lot of stuff at once sometimes. Other times it can be a problem like when you have a lot of weird control schemes you have to remember at once. Can be tricky. And yeah for the record Rez is a very sweet game, I only have the demo though as the full game is rare and expensive. For the PS2 I'd say God of War is really where it's at, brilliant game.
Thats gave me one good idea, in my 15" monitor, i play GTA SA, in the 17" i play ut2k4 at once, yay!!!, at moment i actually have about 22 games installed , just installed Half Life 2 and CSS, haved done that encrypting or decrypting game file crap yet tho.
Boy, you'd better have fast internet. Steam is a bugger about updating and decrypting files. I did it when I had 56k...it wasn't pretty. Prepare to have your internet busy overnight if you're in the same boat I was. Great games, though. CSS is EXCELLENT (far superior to CS, in my opinion) and HL2...need I go further?
you dont need the internet for decrypting do you? :s, I love playing HL2 deatmatch :good:, my internet is 2.1mbps, ummm it took me about 20mins to update half life 2 and css and install HL2 Deatmatch.
Best game- Tetris; its simple with LOTS of depth and playable on most digital platforms. And its the same game in HD color or LCD, 8-bit or 32-bit, somthing most games can't pull off. In most games if the graphics are bad, its unplayible, but not tetris. Second place- The Civ series; I love it for the same reasons, depth, fun, and its so addictive. Its also one of the best ideas for a game
thank godness someone here agrees with me. I also enjoy Oblivion but i also enjoy Warcraft3, cs condition zero, and ut 2004. Off topic: will UT2007 be the new benchmark game in terms of graphics. I cant wait!!
For the PC, yeah it's looking exreamly good, though Crysis is probably a notch more advanced and evolved.
I would have to say FFVII, the storyline was one of the best i have ever played. It was just so in depth, and the game just kept me playing for many hours at a time. But, although saying this, games like Mario and Sonic are really fun games to just pick up and play.
oh man i comlpetely forgot to rave about Morrowind, i played the crap out of that game, for like a solid year and a half. It was sweet, i had like every item in the game and was the top rank of every group you could join,... those were good days
My first and still favourite online game is the original Starseige Tribes. I got it as a graduation gift and then played it for like 2 years straight! :chk: For the platform, I think the resident evil series on the playstation is my all time favourite along with Metal Gear solid on the ps1! I played all those for hours..I loved the Metal gear storyline, it was really engaging
I played MGS2 on PS2 and it's a great game but man didn't the story throw me by the end. It was good but hell if I could tell you what was going on after awhlie.
Wow, u guys are into first person/third person (like RE) shooters way too much! lol. Never realized this. I don't like shooters much. With a few exceptions like battlefield 1942, which I think is awesome for some strange reason. Oh, and also Heretic and Duke Nukem 3D were pretty fun back in the day (like 8+ years ago) along with a couple other old titles I used to play with my friend back then. But usually I get bored with most FPS games after like an hour. *shrug* My favorite genres are strategy, RPG, combat flight sim (WWI/II), and old-school point-and-click adventure (e.g. King's Quest series, Quest for Glory series, etc.). And my favorite games of all time I think are 1.) EverQuest, but before all the latest expansions came out 2.) (2-nd place) Heroes of Might and Magic 2 & 3.
Some of those old point and click games are pretty much my all time favs but nobody's really heard of them in this day so I usually forgoe posting them. But yeah Cosmic Osmo and Day of the Tenticle are some seriously great games, at least when I was 8, though I still play them now.
Warcraft III, World of Warcraft, GTA series, Tomb Raider series, Oblivion, Unreal Tournament 2004... These are my favs, but still the best one is Warcraft III