Yeah WCIII is one of my all time favs too. I'm no big stragety buff but that game is a masterpiece. I really wish they'd make a WCIV.
U still play them? How? What else is there to do after u beat it? That's the only problem with point-and-click adventure games: there's no replay value once u beat it. Like King's Quest IV, for example, was sooo engrossing to me. I eventually beat it both possible ways and never touched it since.
Point and click games were awesome, Broken sword series of games are all produced and made here in york, england by revolution games. Monkey island series, Flight of the amazon queen (amiga) discworld series (discworld noir is ledgendary) Grim fandango Sam & max hit the road Simon the sorcerer The great thing about these games were there insanely difficult puzzle aspect. I find that even now when i go back and try and play Grim Fandango i can't remember what i am meant to do so they do have replay value.
Sorry i must apologise deeply for missing out myst and indeed riven, hell even myst 3 ( i never did complete the pinball aspect of one of the lvl'sfrom myst 3) i did cry alot though and throw my toys out the pram in frustration
I don't replay it immediately after beating it once, I just way a little while and go for it again, usually with friends or my brother or something. It wasn't too long ago though that I noticed a few little interactions that I always used to miss though, there's a lot of stuff to click on in these games.
Best Game of all time in my opinion has got to be Syndicate... Man I loved that game. was the first game we got with out PC, way beck when, it came with 8 other games, like, Ultima 8 Pagan, and Star Wars Rebel Assault... Next Best game is the Original Command and Conquer... That game holds a special place in my heart. Shinobi for the Sega Master Sytem (or was it Mega Drive?), and I can't mention the Sega without mentioning Sonic... I used to love Raw is War for the Master System, me and my brothers had endless fun with that game. They're all very much in high regard with me. They'd all come under my number 1 umbrella... My favourite game now is of course, Half Life 2... love it. Can't see any reason why people would think different, but to each their own... I have to say though that when I played Half Life 2 for the very first time it just, absolutely blew me away. I mean the whole situation, waiting so long for it, and when I did finally get it, I realised I needed a DvD ROM, so my dad pulled his DvD ROM out of his computer and put it in ours, then I installed it, and me, my 2 brothers and even my dad were so interested in finally seeing it in action and the experience was just, overwhelming... Definitely, definitely one of my best gaming moments ever, mostly because it was absolutely worth the wait and exceeded any and all expectations I had about the game.
Yeah, I've cleared HL2 about 5 times, and episode 1 twice... Loved it, but it was hideously short, hideously short... I sincerely hope Episode 2 is at least, twice that length, if not triple it... But Episode 2 is lookin good... lookin very good.
Yeah it's probably only like 3 hours worth huh? Shame but hey that's hte episoidic nature and for $20 I guess you can't expect a lot of game, but yeah a little more would have been nice. Ep2 does look very sweet, what with TeamFortress 2 and Portal coming with it and all. Hopefully they'll have some new guns and more enemy types and all in Ep2 though.
Oh, Portals... can't wait to play that... Team Fortress, meh, might play it once or twice, not my style, but you never know, I might like it... it cost me €30... normally game are roughly €40-50 for PC games, sometimes even 60, but that's a rarity... There's supposed to be new weapons, but from what I've seen, they're idea of weapons may differ from ours, that being the new Strider Bustrer... I don't like that idea much, but we'll see.