First PC Game You Ever Played? Simple really, name the very first PC game you ever played! As far as i can remember, i played Doom on my first Pentium Pro PC. Man, that was cutting edge stuff back then
I played Sticky Bear spell grabber. You didn't even need a mouse to play it, and even though I was about 6 I knew the commands I needed to play it. I believe I played on an apple II from the mid 80s we got used in/around 89.
The Black Cauldron by Sierra, based on the Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. There was a little known Disney movie made about the books, but it was too dark/creepy for your average kids.
MAC Bugs on a 1984 MAC system . Still works(they built some solid systems 21 years old and still going strong), still kicks ass, But one of my favorite games of all time is Pathways into Darkness made by Bungie, it was on our first color MAC its like 15 years old or something.
I'm pretty sure that the first game I played was that old Oregon Trail game if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
Yes, I do. A few schools I went to had that on their Apple ][ systems. Old skool, much like the junky, mismanaged systems at a majority of schools. At least those old Apples were tough to break though.
Street Fighter II on my very first computer. Came pre installed on my 386 (40Mhz, 40MB HD, 5" and 3" drives, no CD Roms, OS DOS 6.2)
I played that every chance I got 8 years ago. A video game is probably the most popular thing to happen to oregon, sad really. First game ever played - Red Baron. 2d game, fly up and down the screen in a red and green fokker while shooting/bombing things. I played it in 1994 maybe.
Funny how Apple used to own the computer gaming maket isn't it? Well them and Commodore. Yeah I remember Oregon trail too, of course my dad wouldn't let me go hunting till I was 6. Probably the very first PC game I ever remember playing was Monster. It was an extremely simple black and white game where you just use the mouse to point and click in dark corroders and then a new screen would appear. Eventually a hairy monster would appear on the screen in unamimated 2D form and you had to shoot him with your cheesy 2 shot pistol. Hard to win actually. I only sort of played it, it was so long ago, my Dad did most of the work. The first game I really got into was Cosmic Osmo another black and white game I played a little after Monster, probably when I was 6 or so. A totally sweet and highly interactive point and click game where almost every object did something when you clicked on it. Good times, good times.
My 7 year old brother plays UT2k3 at normal skill level. He's played the original like me for about 3 years or so when I started.
I've got it on PS2 but there's little point of playing the origional if you have 2k4 on the computer. Playing the origional Ureal, single player that is would be a different story.