First PC Game You Played Ever?

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by pelvis_3, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Sweet dude, I bought a book on C++ programming and on the disk they give a bunch of source codes for games so I might be able to tinker with something similar in complexity to Monster perhaps, hopefully more (and in color).
  2. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    I think Cosmic Osmo was one of the first games I ever played on the MAC :) Wow, it was such a long time ago! I loved flying around in the space ship, changing the music on the spaceship stereo!
    I seem to remember a singing-and-dancing tomato ketchup bottle! :D

    The first game I played on the PC was probably the original Command & Conqueror! I played that so much, I used to spend hours in front on the screen attacking the enemy base!
  3. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    hehe, nice dude, yeah that ship was pretty cool and there was a ketchup bottle allright, it was the dog bowl with the bone that make noise of different pitches as you moved up it with the cursor that really gripped me though.
    Yeah C&C games are classics, I remember watching a friend play that a while back, I think his units were being mauled by dogs or something.
  4. UnSeEn

    UnSeEn Mayor McCheese

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    Hahaha..yep, Red Alert 1. Dogs = fun as hell. I remember the first C&C. Had the best damn soundtrack in the world "I'm a mechanical man". That must have been one of the first games my Dad bought for me (mostly, we got them from other people...we were a cheap family). ;) I wasn't familiar with Macs until I met you and your bro, Exfoliate. And I guess you got the PC/Sega/Bubsy addiction from me (what have I done?! Your dad must hate me!). Ahh..good times.
  5. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    We both enriched eachothers lives, you got a taste of how generally abysmal mac gaming could be (with a few mentioned exceptions, and don't forget bugdom!), and I got a feel for what "real games" were like. My dad has learned to accept my dependency so it's all good:) You really must get that bubsy rom dude.
  6. Knev123

    Knev123 Geek Trainee

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    It was probably "Captain Comic" or something like that, it was my bothers game so he never really let me play it... oh how the tables have turned... ;)
  7. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    Monkey Island on a 386.33 (I think!). That's when I was 4 yrs old :D .
  8. Anti-Trend

    Anti-Trend Nonconformist Geek

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    That game was great, as were all the old Lucasarts games. This was much later, but ever play Grim Fandango?
  9. Wouter

    Wouter Big Geek

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    Either Beast, Space invaders or Alley Cat. I think Beast though. That was an awesome game! ;p And Alley cat too, I can still remember the tune even though it is ages ago I played it.
  10. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    No never played that.. but I'll be sure to have a look at it!
  11. Spyder

    Spyder Geek Trainee

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    Sim 6th grade computer class.
  12. Stavros

    Stavros Geek Trainee

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    I can't remember whether it was Monkey Island, Sim Ant, or the Original Oregon Trail, I just remember that I was so impressed with my Pentium Pro 180 after upgrading from a 486! That thing could run the latest games like Starcraft with almost no slow down!
  13. edijs

    edijs Programmer

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    It was Wolfenstein 3D. Hell of a masterpiece it is. It's got the WW2 flair, some fear-factor (remember those zombies with schmeisers in their stomacks), fast-paced action and thinking (no straight forward stuff). Also, some storyline there. :cool:

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  14. RHochstenbach

    RHochstenbach Administrator

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    My first game was Riverworld from Cryo Entertainment.
  15. thomas234

    thomas234 Big Geek

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    Just found another old favourite (actually 2)...

    The 7th Guest & The 11th Hour. Despite the ratings being 15 and 18, I still used to play them when I was about 5.

    I've also found out I can play Monkey Island 1 & 2 on my phone because it's a Smartphone so can run the Symbian Version of DosBox. I'll try to get it working on my brothers PSP... :D#

    Just looked at the post I made above: Date 06-02-2006 :S A Year ago! Have I really been a member that long and only 359 posts!!?!
  16. yorkkev28

    yorkkev28 HWF Minion

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  17. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    I think it was Jazz Jackrabbit or Duke Nukem 3D...I've slept since then.
  18. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Wow, totally forgot about Jazz, that was a load of fun and still holds up okay really, as does Duke.
  19. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    tiberian sun, or simcity 2000, not completely sure but it was one of those two.
  20. zeus

    zeus out of date

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    I was probably Chessmaster 2000 for me though I remember playing hangman (if that counts) on a BBC.

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