well for probably the first time in my life i'm actually glad i have a stupid memory, cos remembering all the new GIT stuff will be something that i'll be good at (once i figure it all out)
good thing Source GIT is best thought of as a replacement to the crappy stuff like Mercurial, Bizaar, Subversion, however, it uses a fraction of the space & resources of other visioning system that currently exist yes it is hard to use & understand but compared to Subversion (b1tch of the SVN world) it is easier to use & understand (even though i don't understand it yet, i wanna fully understand it) BTW: it basically takes care of Source Code & stuff making sure everyone writing new source code is working on the latest version, & it also keeps all previous versions of the code (in case you :swear: it up, you can go back to the previous version) Edit: have a look here
good thing ah yes, i've been using it for some months now, better than svn for sure! would have made more sense in the web development forum
good thing glad you agree sorry, i just put it in general chat cos it was OT, but when queried i felt compelled to explain Edit: move it if you want Edit: what advise could you give to someone in my position / someone starting with GIT ?
good thing If you familiar with svn, try SVNHub it has a great guide. Try github.com for repo hosting (have to pay for private repos unless you want to setup your own git server)
good thing [ot] I have no idea what you guys are chatting about but with something you can call a git server - i am compelled to look into it [/ot]
good thing [ot]well GIT is very compex, and it is better than subversion perhaps the GIT user manual may help you BTW: hold tight to something as you learn, trust me!. It is actually a version control system (ensuring the (usually) latest source code is being written)[/ot] Edit: :beer: good luck