Half Life 2 Lost coast

Discussion in 'Video Gaming' started by Willz, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Unless you overclock them to 750/1500MHz, then who knows.
  2. pelvis_3

    pelvis_3 HWF Member For Life

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    Sweet, sweet and more sweet!
    I would have replied sooner, but i was hiding from my jealousy of willhub having a good card and me having a shit card!
  3. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    Pelvis, your making me feel evil that i have a good card :(
    i am going to be trying HL2 Lost Coast on my 9600 soon, if it works, then i suspect that everyhting will be badly renderd, or all settings lowerd to a minimum.
  4. pelvis_3

    pelvis_3 HWF Member For Life

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    Nah, it's alright, your not evil (yet) :)
    Doesn't matter, i've changed my mind about what vid card i'll get, so now i'm getting a X700 Pro because they're piss cheap, so i'll atleast have a semi good card to play with :cool:
    Let us know how thw 9600 goes!
  5. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    d/w i will :), just so annoying having to uninstall drivers and reinstall them the switch card becouse it messes my desktop up, it takes me so long to arrange the icons how i want them :p

    Darn, i allready had some results of coomparing both cards in game, but it appears i have lost the paper with them all on :*(, oh well, just have to start again :p

    i might overclock 9600 again, 325 core clock all the way up to 490mhz on passive heatsink!

    hmm, today is sunday :D, so what a day to stress out both cards, and just compare every card on everyhting, i wonder what will havppen to the 9600 if i overclock ti to 600mhz, i know that if i had good cooling, it would reach it, as vpu reset only started kicking in at 520mhz with passive heatsink.
  6. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    well, i have tried it with 9600, and HDR was working, but i was only getting like 4-7fps max, and was freezing all the time, so, i turned HDR off, and was getting about 7-10fps max, then turned 16XAF and 6XAA off, and was getting 20-30 fps.

    20-30fps was recored when settings was on 1152x864, all high settings, no AF/AA, i belive that a card like a 6600gt or 9800xt or pro would be able to play HL2 Lost coast with HDR on.

    i will now try half life 2 with 9600.
    (X800XT PE at all max in half life 2: 60-250fps) 16XAF 6XAA---1280X1024---ALL SET TO HIGH
    (9600NP at all max settings inc HDR, 15-50fps) 16XAF 6XAA---1280X1024---ALL SET TO HIGH

    also, i belive that When you have downloaded lost coast, you can also have HDR in normal half life 2
  7. StimpE

    StimpE lol, Internet!

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    Hmm...Maybe I will try it since I have a 9800 Pro o/c. Thanks for the benchmark on those cards ^^
  8. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    :) np
    errm, i have made a series of benchmarks and i am going to post in benchmarking section.
  9. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Nice work man, if my card had more memory I'm sure it would do okay.
  10. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    you have 6800, yours should do perfectly ok!, you can also turn HDR off aswell.
  11. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    True:) But the whole point of playing Lost Coast is to check out the sweet lighting. It's basically a fun tech demo so I might as well play it to it's potential. I got my friend a X800GTO, that should do pretty well if I notch down the AA and AF.
  12. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    if you overclock an X800GTO it should do as good as my card!
    they can reach extreamly high clock speeds right?
  13. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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  14. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    is the X800GTO practically an X800XT?
  15. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    It's a X850XT with a slower clockspeed and less pipelines.
  16. AXP

    AXP Geek Trainee

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    This looks really nice. I think I should finally buy HL2. :D
  17. Willz

    Willz MiCrO$oFt $uK$ :D

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    yes, buy half life 2, its a brilliant game, best part of half life 2 is playing it online :D

    Hey ex, do you think it would be wise for me to sell my x800xt pe, then upgrade to pci express and buy an X800GTO2 as thats practically better than my card aint it?
    or if i had better cooling, couldent i make my x800xt pe match an x850xt pe with higher clock speeds than it?
  18. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    Ok guys, here's my stats on this game. Running it on my newest upgrade

    AMD athlon 64 3700 (stock...so i guess thats 2.2ghz)
    EVGA 7800GT (stock)
    2GB GEIL RAM (pc 3200 stock)

    I ran the game @ 1024x768 with
    AA 4x
    AF 16X
    everything else on high, Vsync on, reflections All

    average FPS using cl_showfps 1 on console was 85. Highest was 110, lowest was 45.

    I'm gonna up the resolution when i get home to 1280X1024 cuz thats what i normally run games at. I'll post those FPS when i get it done. (around 5:30 EST)
  19. Exfoliate

    Exfoliate Geek Trainee

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    Nice! Looks like the combination of next gen graphics architechture, an fast athlon proc and 2gigs really makes the difference. I envy you man.
  20. beretta9m2f

    beretta9m2f Karate-Chop Action Gabe

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    ;) If i look out into the distance and move around THATS when the FPS takes a hit, as soon as i went up the first stairs and got into the firefight, the fps jumped between 55-80. When i was talking to the old man, the fps were at their highest at around 110, but no higher than that. In regular HL2 i was getting between over 150.

    Is this HDR stuff now installed on HL2? I still haven't beaten that game (its sad :p ) and i'd love to see it with all the fancy lighting.

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