I can't Thank People in Windows

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Someone28624, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. Someone28624

    Someone28624 Big Geek

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    Ok, not sure if this is in the wrong place, so sorry if it is, but I couldn't think where else to put it. Anyways, I was in windows trying to thank someone for their post, but the thanks button didn't show up. THen I went into Linux, and there was the thanks button right where I remembered. Yes, I was signed in. Also, browser was Fx 1.5 on both.
  2. pelvis_3

    pelvis_3 HWF Member For Life

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    Good 'Ol Linux, never fails....
    Did you try using IE?
  3. Addis

    Addis The King

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    Try and verify that the source code for the button is there in windows. Go to linux and find the code, and then in windows do the same and see if its present.
  4. Someone28624

    Someone28624 Big Geek

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    Source code is the same in Linux and Windows. It's just not showing up in Windows. I restarted too, and it still wasn't there. So I am guessing uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox would be the option now, however, I am leaning toward just thanking people when I am using Linux.
  5. megamaced

    megamaced Geek Geek Geek!

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    Sometimes the thanks button doesn't show in Opera either. Sometimes it does......strange goings on around here :D

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