I know this'll sound dumb...

Discussion in 'Testing Arena' started by Waffle, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    ..but how do i get a jpeg image in to my signature?

    i'm guessing you gotta upload first, but i can't find it, or i'm not looking hard enough.

    some one give me a little help on how to get the image up?

    thanks :)
  2. Big B

    Big B HWF Godfather

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    You have to edit your sig and add the image tags with the link to the image. It would be [*img*]linktoimage[/*img*], removing all *'s. You have to have an image host, however. Hosting everyone's sig image would be a big bandwith hog, especially since we're already hosting avatars.
  3. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    ah got it, ok thanks.

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