Problem: Sup guys. Recently, my internet connection has been timing out every half hour or so and more frequently thereafter. Each time this happens i have to reset my connection (ipconfig/release, ipconfig/renew), and the problem is solved until the issue happens again, randomly. Status: My computer is connected to a cable internet modem which is connected to a Netgear RangeMax Wireless Router WPN824v2 (i installed the router so my sis could use the internet on her laptop...). I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (issue also happened in Vista), with the latest nforce drivers (ASUS Striker II Extreme). Attempts to Resolve the issue: 1. I found a firmware update for the router and installed it hoping this would resolve the issue, but it hasn't. PROBLEM PERSISTS. 2. I thought it might be my cable modem box so i called up my ISP and they switched it with an updated one - PROBLEM STILL PERSISTS. What could it be?
What i meant by STATUS was how my computer connects to the internet. I have a cable modem box, which is all i need to connect to the internet once connected to my PC... and that modem box is connected to a wireless router. The reason i installed the router was not for my benefit, as i am already connected to the internet since this whole contraption is connected to MY pc, but for my sisters laptop (which has a wireless adapter that catches my wireless routers signal). Got it? Its not hard to understand - its a simple and common internet connection. Like this
Have you tried running the cable direct, and bypass the router to see if it maybe your modem ? I would rule out the modem first,then update router drivers..
Hey guys, i found out what the issue was. We have a black-box thats hooked up to our TV and turns out that once we replaced it with a newer box, my internet ran smoothly with no timeouts. what a relief!