uhh this section looks a bit dead but ill ask my question anyway. Im currently learning Dreamweaver MX (not 2004 edition) while building a website. What I have been trying to acheive is illustrated in the attached pics. Pic one shows an image with text on it. The text is placed on top of the image using a layer. In dreamweaver the result looks perfect. My problem is that when i preview my work in Internet explorer the text changes (pic 2 illustrates). Ive tried fiddling around with it for awhile but have had no luck so far. What can i do?
If you ask me the second image looks better anyway. If you have frontpage, I would seriously consider using it over DW. I'll have a play around in MX2004 and see if I can help.
My copy of dreamweaver was given to me by a relative who works in the design industry. They recently upgraded to MX 2004 edition I think. Sorry about the confusion between the two pics.They are the wrong way around. The second one is what it looks like in dreamweaver and the first is what happens when i preview it in internet explorer. Ive found that when i type in normal cell in a table i can get what i want. When I type in a layer everything goes wierd. basically i need to be able to type text over the image without making the text part of the picture. :good:
Yes, I thought that was a little odd. Do you have a copy of frontpage accessible? If you would like, you can send it to me, what ever pages you need doing, and I will align them for you in frontpage, and send em back.