i just started playing wow it runs ok when i have it on full screen fps runs around 40-60 fps. but when i run it in windowed mode it runs at 60 fps to start with but when i maxamize it drops by half the fps ranges from 5-30 fps i whant to use wow in windowed mode so that i can easy tab from wow to brouser windows. my pc specs are amd 3200 64 athlon 1 gig kingston hyperx memory cl 2 x800 gto pci-e connect 3d graphics card 200 gig sata hard drive asus an8-sli premium mobo i looked for info on google with no luck im gonna keep looking but i thought id post here just incase some 1 knew somthing i could do to improve the frame rate while i have wow in windowed thx for taking the time to read this any help is much apreciated
when im playing wow its mostly 60fps unless i move into a city and then it drops to 25-30 fps. The reason yr gonna see a frame rate frop in windowed mode is because yr trying to run other programs in the background and wow doesn't like it. I generally run Thottbot in the background and just use my windows tab key to flick between the 2. This tends to have little bearing on the framerate. You could always try ajusting some of the options in the video options screen in the menu to maybe increase the frame rate, or resetting the screen resolution to maybe 1024 x 768
i tried changing the rez of the window to match my desktop and then tried all others no luck. i get around 15 min 35 max fps when i maximise the windowed mode when its not maxed its always 40-60 fps i like being able to tab to Thottbot while questing when running in full mode it takes a little while to minimize and see the web page but on windowed its instant. do u run urs in windowed mode yorkkev28 or use full mode and tab to the web page
for me there is no lag whatsoeva. i click windows tab and immediately thottbot is in full view. I use full screen mode When u test the FPS where are you in relation to the games zones. if you ctrl-r then u get the fps speed displayed on screen. i leave it on if im concerned about performance while i move through different zones.