hey hey thought I'd bring any one whos interested up to speed on the development of my CMS...so far it includes Article and Comment management Tutorial system & Add Tutorial User Registration and Login with Sessions Edit profile, avatar, Shoutbox BBCode (working, FTW) and my personal favorite - a css style switcher. I'd appreciate some feedback on it so far http://wafflesweb.co.uk/index.php It's ~ 80% complete - thats user and admin side included. Around 1000 lines at last count
I Must say, lurve'a'ley! However, I would be carefull about displaying email addy's in the random profile... Im not looking at it from a privacy issue, look at it from a spam point a view! Its is quite likely that they will be found by a web crawler, it looks for email addy's on web pages... greay site tho!
yes, get rid of the emails, a bad idea, maybe create a form where users can contact them by clicking a link? I like the design, very simple, the CMS seems to be working well.
Private messages :> Just remeber the bot is reading the html, looking for *@*.* so the email cant be anywhere! (including page source!)
thanks i have taken the advice about the email..now display as name [at] site.com if i can be assed i will make it [dot] com but this should do
I'm not sure if its just me, but if you change the style and then browse the site, the default style always loads first and then it loads the style I had selected?
Yup I'm aware, but not sure how to fix that. I >think< its because I am using includes..I'll try a version without em and see.
It would prolly be a good idear if you stopped people from shouting with usernames that are registerd (unless they login) Notice i just shouted this under "waffles"!
I have shouted as well even I m not the member of your site~!..How come? I mean like this people will spam ur site~!
they might, but they will be people, not bots, as im guessing waffle has written this himself (so IP's can be banned).
The shoutbox is a public shoutbox, to make it private you could put it on it's own page, or you could disable the input boxes if the user isn't logged in. PHP: <? ob_start(); include("config.php"); if ($logged[username]) { echo("FORM STUFF IN HERE"); } else { echo("LOGIN BOX HERE SO THEY CAN LOGIN TO POST SHOUT"); }?> Put that in the area where the shout input would be (and remember to change the capital typed stuff to the inputs required). Would something like that work? I'm not sure as I'm a php n00b remember
Yup totally. altho I'll beusing PHP: <? if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { // shoutbox } else { // no form } ?> altho i could just whack all the registered members into query.. PHP: <? //form submitted $members = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['author']."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($members) > 0) { //the name exists.. die('That username is already taken by a registered member '); } //carry on ?>
Ahh cool, well it's looking great man and my personal favourite bit is the colour switcher, makes the site a bit more 'personal' as you can make it look how you want it too.
In the future when you will have so many tutorials then it will be a problem to find one particular and if you would have a search engine then you can find it easily. Its bit confusing coz if somebody press edit profile link and change the profile then I believe there should be a save button instead of edit profile button again. It creates confusions.