Just wanted to point your attention towards my alter-ego 'Murphy' who is now my avatar - He's made form White-Tak and I'm very proud of him
That is way cool! He's a very detailed little fella. I'm guessing you have quite a bit of artistic ability. *sniffle* I'm jealous. You DID make him, right? I was wondering the same thing... and since I dont know what "blue-tak" is either, I went ahead and investigated the matter personally. My first search was wikipedia, but since I dont think any of these is the tak they are referring to, I went ahead and assumed that google would be an obvious solution. Turns out, "tak" is a extremely difficult substance to research. The best descriptions I found for it is that it is similiar to one of those squishy erasers. Here is a picture and here is a description that helped me to understand what it is.
Blu-Tack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It's like a sticky putty that when kneaded / rolled in the hands softens up and allows you to use it to stick things together temporarily. White-Tack is just the same except it's white and a bit softer. Yes I did make him, I do have *some* artistic ability, I never did art though (only as a compulsary subject years ago in school)
[ot] That doesn't make sense... the only thing you seem to be able to search for is "Blue Tack" and it redirects you to "Blu-tak" which you cannot find by searching for "Blu-tak". Geez! [/ot]