New sig competition has seen the rise of some excellent graphics designers

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by Nic, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    I was just looking at the new posts and for a change they are all nearly about graphics and I think we've got some very good designers (which i won't be one of but i can try :D ).Also the already good designers have improved and been very willing to give hints and tips.Excellent work. Just thort i'd mention that
  2. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    Yea i agree. I didn't know how to do anything with photoshop but this competition inspired me to learn and although I'm not a "excellant graphics designer" I'm doing my best ;)
  3. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    The competition is inspiring me to learn to lol. U'll have to give me some tips (from learner to learner) lol
  4. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    hehe, here's a good tip: Don't ask me for tips :good:

    Cant go wrong with that :)
  5. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    Lol :D
  6. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    the best tip I can give you is, read the tutorials on the web! look at other peoples work and try to create something similar but don't copy! once you get used to the simple things you can start with something harder!
  7. Addis

    Addis The King

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    At the moment I'm trying to stick Yoda onto a background for my sig but its too big. Arrogant eh...
  8. matttibb

    matttibb Geek Trainee

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    Whats too big?
  9. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    so minimise yoda. just cut his stupid little head off, and it'll be fine. :D
  10. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I was doing some graphic work for it this morning but then i have a short attention span and started playing games instead and stopped.
  11. Opeio

    Opeio Geek

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    i started off with horrible sigs, and i tried tutorials, and messing with filters but they didnt help too much, then one day out of the blue i made something i liked and decided to make more, and i kinda self taught myself how to use some brushing techs and stuff. I looked at some tut sites for ideas and i go from there, i never have a idea of what im gonna do when i go into photoshop, i only know if im going abstract, grunge or something else, then i find a render that will and put it in. :good:

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