Ok fixed the table problem...

Discussion in 'Web Design & Programming' started by Waffle, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    ...its not the most ideal method, but it works and looks good.

    I think it works anyway.


    With any luck, the header should fill your screen perfectly, so please let me know.

    Also - any one know how to shift the "navigation" box over a couple of pixels.

    It looks too close to the edge, and I'd prefer it to have a little bit of space separating the box from the edge of the page.

  2. harrack52

    harrack52 Supreme Geek

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    Maybe put a couple spaces before the table starts ?

    Like that: &nbsp....
  3. Sniper

    Sniper Administrator Staff Member

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    you will need to split the cell into 2 rows, I have attached the file, also sorry I just rememeber I was gona have a look at the other design you did, I didn't get the time to have a look.

    this is much better though :)

    Attached Files:

  4. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Thanks dude.

    I don't know what you did to fix it, but I really appreciate that!!

    Cheers :good:

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