I'm building a site for a friend of my mum who runs a dog training class. She wants a page that can only be accessed by people that go to the class, information like phone numbers, training times etc. Is there away for a visitor to click a link ie: "Click here to check up on the latest news for our classes", which then leads to a password prompt? which when typed in leads to a "mini site/page" with the required information? I'm not getting into databases and making people register to access it, but is it possible? Also if it is, could multiple passwords be used - I was thinking that every person's password could be their dogs name for added security?
I don't know of any html-gear like tools on the net that allow username/accounts with different passwords, but the closest I've come across with is bravenet password protect gear. You create a page and then make a 'gateway' page where users type in account/password.
Also if the info on there is just going to be static, nothing that could be of great importance then I think a one universal password would do, but its your choice. Edit: I've just found that you can get software to do that without any involvement from the user with database/scripting but they're all shareware.
http://www.2createawebsite.com/enhance/password-protect.html How to Password Protect Your Web Pages http://www.ehow.com/how_6226_password-protect-web.html How to Password-Protect a Web Page - eHow.com
nice but just looking at the source code will give you thr password, I would suggest php solution, similar to the javascript version but user can't view the password in the source. check out www.hotscripts.com theres plenty in the php section that will do what you need! I hope it helps.
True but the only people visiting the site are people interested in pet training classes, whom probably have as much knowledge as their animal. No sensitive data will be placed, but that should do the trick. Will multiple passwords be possible? Cheers all.
http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/User_Authentication/index.html That page in the PHP section looks good. The PHP guard dog looks ok so I'll see if I can get it working on my web host, and see if it works ok. Get back to you soon. Edit: Sorry its shareware, I'll carry on looking.
What ever you do, DO NOT use anything Java based for your password. You really should use something like PHP/ASP (something that is completely server side), as this way people cannot access the executed code. Where as if you use a Java based password, you can view the HTML code and find the link to the java file, download it, open it in notepad and the password is listed right then and there