I've been going through old photos, many in pretty bad shape, and have been amazed at what can be found in them by playing with photoshop. I don't have the negatives, so it's just what is lurking on the pics themselves. I'm still a beginner at this, and any advice is more than welcome. This one is from the 1930's (I think)
And the one you sent me earlier is even more impressive. Yeah, we can use those on the forums, if you can write me up a tutorial, step by step, with pictures. Either do it as a webpage, and zip me the images, or do it as a Word document and I'll put it in the right format and upload!
Thanks, NF. Here's the set Waffle mentioned earlier. Before (original taken by RL Gach of Ann Arbor Michigan in the early 40's ?) After (I lost the "RL Gach" in the process, my apologies)
Update do50, I've converted your PM into a page, which can now be found in "Tutorials" of the site. Its gonna be .co.uk soon, so BIG thanks to sniper for this.