...I removed my other post so as not to waste space or whatever. Seeing as I lost Version 7, I want to get it again, but its sorta, well, expensive. I found the Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 for about £40. http://www.simply.co.uk/kelkoo/84086/VS/simply_computers/index.htm Please could you either: Recommend a similar image editing program Let me know if this is what I want for light image editing Want to send me £500 so I can get myself a copy j/k Thanks!
http://www.gimp.org/ I don't use it, since PS6 is working fine for me, but it's free and is reportedly the next best thing to Photoshop. Some Linux distro's package it, but you can download it for Windows.
just a note you need to download and install GTK+ 2 for Windows before you install Gimp for Windows! http://www2.arnes.si/~sopjsimo/gimp/stable.html
hehe, paint? whats paint? :chk: anyway I've just been trying Gimp, its different from PS. I guess you would have to get used it! it does seem to have loads of options for editing!
I think GIMP 2.0 is about on par with Photoshop, which is sad since GIMP is OSS and Photoshop is around $500... As a matter of fact, I personally find GIMP much more logically laid out, and *much* more than powerful enough for 99% of users. That's what this site's logo (and my avatar) was made with
I d/l a free trial copy of Elements off of adobe. Got 30 days usage, the full product. It's what I'm using to develop my sigs n stuff. Almost as good as PS7, I would say, and for about a tenth of the price. Only thing missing is the detailed Blending Options when double clicking on a Layer, which is disappointing as I can't get effects like Glow etc. But for £40, steal .
update - found the glow and stuff, hidden in "Layer Style" as opposed to double clicking on the layer itself. good good :good:
can do, perhaps a gallery/forum for this sort of thing could be made for others to show their work? http://img31.exs.cx/img31/422/WrappedInPlastic2.jpg - Inspired by Slipknot lyrics... http://img31.exs.cx/img31/9931/Jewel.jpg - My personal favourite. http://img31.exs.cx/img31/4427/BloodyMan.jpg - I didn't design the model, just the bloody effect. http://img31.exs.cx/img31/5349/WaterRipple.jpg - Shiny..eheh.
I like the water one it has a nice effect to it, it can be improved on though. The bloody man, I think maybe the effect, the one on the shoulder looks good, other need to be a bit more random, they seem to have star like effect to them! I will look into adding a gallery forum!