I dont mean to offend anyone with this topic.... Is there a specific reason why there are so few memebers and moreso posters on these boards? The address is a great one one but 300 members is reasonably low considering the obvious common interest in computers. I think I found this site through google, its was probably one of the first returns to my serach too. My (lol Im no webmaster) suggestion would be to affiliate with the likes of tomshardware and other hardware information sites. Although this is not just about hardware software usually goes hand in hand. The information is good here. Where there are topics I beleive I could give good advice to I find I dont need to as the information already given is always suffice. Get the site known, it has great potential.
Probably a major part is that our website was down for about a year. THG is a big website, and the times I've e-mailed them---and this has been totally unrelated to getting our site mentioned---they've failed to contact me. The other thing that I don't like about them is that they've not been putting out as good of content as they used to. I'll be in contact with a few sites. I've gotten some press with the likes of NTCompatible, 2CPU, and NForcersHQ, and those are likely where I'll start. Thanks for the feedback.
yeh, thanks for the feedback, well we are listed as first result in google.com when searching for "hardware forums" I admit we do have low number of members, but we will start to improve, as soon as I finish my last exam on june 24th I'll concentrate on the site more, promote it more, and zeus I also believe the site has great potential. thanks for the comments
I beleive it is pass june 24th sniper... Heh what happened? I was also wondering when I got here why there is so little members... Is there another board that I am not aware of? Another board that has better advice than sniper, big b, and harrack can give? I also think this board has great potential but It seems that I might be mistaken... considering there is a large lack of members... ~Temporal~
Well there are many, many boards. I hang out here because I like the people. Some bigger sites tend to have their share of idiots. But I can suggest rage3d.com for your ATI needs, nvnews.net for your NVIDIA needs and amdforums.com for your AMD needs. If you look around you'll find many more.
yes, there is a large lack of members, after june 24th, I got a full-time job, from which I have input into desiging zone365.com, as I promote that site it should help with hardware forums is well. When I ask for link exchange with other sites, sometimes they say, get more traffic then ask again, but how can I get more traffic if they dont exchange links. The only way is when ever we have something new for zone365.com we send out news to every one. or if we \. thats slashdotted, which can use up gigs of bandwidth in one day...
TBH i like smaller forums. Ive only been here a few days (found the site through a google search for DVD-Writter help >) and already i know who the "kings" are and who the uber poster are. you all seem to know your stuff. i commend you on your work and suggest you dont go on any majoy "members signing up" drive any time soon. peace out y'all (im too english to be a cool hardcore gangsta arent i? sorry.)
including the admins and mods there must maximum be about 10 - 20 regulars on the boards if that. its a shame, but nonetheless i still like it.
people tend to register, ask a question, get the answer and dont return as long as we have people coming back at least once a week its not too bad!
Well IMHO, if you look at all the idiots on bigger forums, I'm glad we don't have that here. No matter how many members you have, the amount of intelligent ones will always be very low. That's how I see it.
didnt think of it like that, looking at other forums, I'd have to agree plenty of idiots about...hehe
Hey, I've been here for 2 months now and I'm very pleased so far. I came across this forum through Google when I had a PSU problem. I posted the same message on 4 different forums. But, this was the only one that answered my question, so I stayed here. Yes, it is small, but it has substance. People here have been very helpful. Keep it up guys :good: