Question about the Universe

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Pimp, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I am a little confused about our Universe's size and age. If the Universe is around 13 billion years old and it is around 90 billion light years across then how can galaxy's be so far apart if the universe is so young compared to it's size???

    Hope that makes sense and someone can answer it.
  2. Addis

    Addis The King

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  3. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I did my friend but it just confused me :doh:

    The Universe is roughly 13 billion years old, ok I'm cool with this number but how they figure it out???


    When the Hubble space telescope took those pictures of the furthest galaxies in 2004 (i think) those galaxies where 13 billion years old but were much further than 13 billion light years away. Is this correct???? if so how can that be?? because nothing travels faster then the speed of light not even gravity can.
  4. Addis

    Addis The King

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    I'm not educated in general relativity so the only thing I can tell you is that GR is the reason why the universe expands at a rate greater than the speed of light. Something due to space itself not being restricted to expanding at a set limit.

    If you read into physics and quantum physics, you'll find that there are many, many more strange things that don't quite make sense.
  5. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    :agree: like Schroedinger's cat in the box, is it dead, alive or both
  6. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I have been looking at a lot of videos on you tube about the universe and how it works and I'm beginning to understand but I'm left absolutely amazed at how massive it is. I mean i know space is massive but i honestly could not imagine how big it really is, its just crazy, and to think that god will be interested in answering prayers from a few people on a small planet in a minute area of space.

    This also raises another question does life exist in the Universe??? well if you look at it in mathematical way then the answer is nearly 100% there is life out there. But space is so vast that we may never find it, even with the best technology because of space being so HUGE. I was looking at this clip on you tube and this scientist said that the probability of finding earth like planets, what i mean by that is in terms of size and distance from their star and having water but not necessarily life, just the building blocks and the figure is around 50,000 planets that might have the same conditions as earth in the milky way alone. think about how many galaxies there are and the potential for life to exist, just crazy.
  7. donkey42

    donkey42 plank

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    easy, a google-quat

    BTW: if you know how many that is, tell me
  8. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    I saw this cool show about the Universe on the History Channel and it was about this guy who proved that the Universe actually ends.
    Like it really has some barrier that you can't pass through.

    I wish i could find the video for it but heres a cool video regarding the "Expanding Universe" by Einstien its 4 minutes:

  9. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I have been doing some reading and came up with some interesting information that you might find useful.

    The universe is sort of stretching/expanding, the distance between galaxy A and galaxy B is increasing which suggest that the universe is being stretched. Also the universe has no boundaries because it is expanding quicker than the speed of light so theoretically you will never reach the edge of space because it's always ahead of you even light it's self can never reach the edge because it is expanding faster then light can travel, but the question is what is it expanding/ stretching into????, at this stage science goes crazy and has no real explanations or evidence of the theories that their might be multi universes and that our universe is a little bubble among others each with their own set of laws of science even dimensions :doh:

    anyways just to conclude,

    which ever way you look at it space has and hasn't got a boundary (i know, very confusing, but think about it)
  10. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I did some research on how many galaxies there are (no i didn't google it) and the answer to your question is that no one has a real figure. Science can only tell you what it has discovered and you come to a number in the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the KNOWN universe each having an average of around 300 billion stars. But interestingly we haven't discovered many planets because they are very difficult to spot as they don't emit light, only a few hundred possible planets are known to exist.
  11. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    Man that's interesting! I'm always amazed by these facts of space. I could never go passed whats beyond space; meaning if i were to think of what space is expanding "TO" i simply would come to a brick wall in my brain...

    What i love about space is its extreme physics. How matter in space can be destroyed or created within fractions of a second, or how the temperature in space is -270 degrees Celsius(had to look that one up).

    Some other interesting information: Did you know that the universe, in its entirety, was created in a few seconds? (possibly even milliseconds i don't remember). Can you imagine that? Billions of stars, the sun, miles and miles of galaxies... ALL IN ONE SHOT? What kind of force in this nature could cause such creation?
    it takes me less than a second to write a word... now imagine how many universes would be created by the end of this post
  12. Pimp

    Pimp Captain of USS Defiant

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    I know what you mean.

    Absolute Zero is around -273.15 C nothing can go below that figure.

    First stars appeared around 400 million years after the big bang take a look WIKI
  13. DaRuSsIaMaN

    DaRuSsIaMaN Geek Comrade

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    holy shit. That's ridiculous, I didn't even know that! Well, a quick search turned up this site:

    It's very succinct. It says that things can move (expand) faster than light if there's no information being transmitted... wow.
  14. Swansen

    Swansen The Ninj

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    A new found energy in the universe

    ooo, i was actually reading something the other day, and it was on the Pioneer Anomally. The two Pioneer craft aren't exiting our solar system as fast as expected and so far it has yet to be explained, and it seems like the laws of physics are wrong. Also, something else i found, and it may explain the reason for the Pioneer Anomoally, as well as MANY other things about ancient culture, world myth, life on other planets, among other things.

    (also has to do with the expansion of the Universe)
  15. Ferg

    Ferg Manbearpig

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  16. cube_

    cube_ Mega Geek

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    A new found energy in the universe

    Wow, i definitely am going to watch this when i get the chance. Looks interesting.

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