Quick Colour Correction

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by Matt555, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    This is a really easy quick way to correct the colour of an image / photo.

    First off below is an image of my friend that I took (to turn it into a Star Wars thing with a lightsaber etc) but as you can see it's gota horrible green / yellow thing going on and I want to get rid of it.


    Start off by duplicating the background layer. Now select Filter > Blur > Average. This will give you the average colour of all the pixels of the image.


    Now this is the colour that we would like to get rid of and to do that we'll need to apply the opposite colour to the image. Hold CRTL and press I to invert the colour. Now select "Colour" from the layer blending mode drop down box.


    As you can see from the image below this will give it the tint of the opposite colour we want to get rid of, however some adjusting is still required. Adjust the opacity until you have a nice colour balance and there you go, your image should be a massive improvement on what you started off with.


    Hope it helps you out!
  2. Nic

    Nic Sleepy Head

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    Very cool Matt. Thatll help me with ALOT of photos. Thanks
  3. Matt555

    Matt555 iMod

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    Hey no problem, if I think people will find it useful / cool then I'll post it, I'm gonna have to play around a bit more to discover some more cool stuff.
  4. Karanislove

    Karanislove It's D Grav80 Of Luv

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    Thanks for the tutorial Matt.....I used Hue Saturation in GIMP and comes out with this cool pic.

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