Hi guys, I've started a new project called "QuickDump". It's a PHP application that easily allows you to backup your databases. It's currently in Beta, so i'd appreciate it if you guys would like to test it (if possible) and give me some feedback http://www.royhochstenbach.com/projects/quickdump/
Hi Roy Just had quick look at the code, few tips; don't use shell_exec most hosting accounts disable such functions, rather look at unlink, rmdir etc turn on error reporting and get rid of all warning messages but not by turing the warnings off
Thanks for your input The reason why I'm using the shell_exec function is because it's the easiest way to communicate directly with the server (instead of using cgi scripts). I've never intended its use for shared hosting (mainly dedicated servers and VPS systems). I've disabled error reporting to hide ugly messages. But it's certainly better to do it your way, so finding the cause of a problem should be easier