Working on a new front-end for my home web server. This time, instead of hacking my HTML with VIM like it's 1985, I've settled on a content management system. W00t! Take a look at the new layout VS the old layout and let me know what you think.
I was looking at it before you posted. I agree it is much better than static HTML. I used to have static websites, and if I wanted to change any design element (excluding what could be done with CSS) I would have to edit every page. I called it changingasinglelinkin50statichtmlpagesophobia. My current site has a home brewed CMS, while certainly not as advanced as something like Mambo or Joomla! it still gets the job done. I've tried to deploy mambo on a site, and because there wasn't much content to put up, and it wasn't going to be updated too often there was more functionality than I knew what to do with. New site's looking good .
Liking the new site man, Mambo is meant to be a good CMS. I'm currently in planning for a CMS for my site, I've decided to start getting back into web-based things so I'm writing out tables, fields and features for the new CMS, it won't be done quickly as I don't have *that much* time for coding it but over time it'll come together... hopefully.
Yeah, it looks much better. I like the way Linus Torvalds is at the top of "The most influential person in technology in the last 25 years is..." too. Cu;d it be anyone else! Ive always known you've had a site going but have never spent the timegoing through it. As always I dont have the time right now but will get onto it. One thing that popped into my head as soon as I opened the page is that it looks like you have a "latest news" topic named "Should Care". It literally was one of the first things I noticed so I though id mention it! Sorry for nit picking! One other thing which I know is a small thing but I like the fonts you've used.. it looks really nice.... its easy to look at which makes the world of difference upon first impressions. "I used to see much of my previous employment as being under-payed and under-appreciated, but now I've come to see it all as one big lab session, which I was privileged enough to be payed to participate in." It took me a long time to realise this is how it is if you want to get anywhere in life.
Because of the positive feedback, I went ahead and moved my webroot so that Mambo is running the show: - Home I'll continue tweaking the page as time allows (it's only half-finished as it stands), but even now I like it a whole lot better than the old one. Plus, it's much less purple... :O
Your website looks much, much better then before. Works fine in Opera 9.1 with Kubuntu 6.06. What I'd like to see is the ability to post responses to your articles as you've brought up several pressing issues on your website. Keep up the good work