Romero Departs Midway

Discussion in 'News and Article Comments' started by syngod, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. syngod

    syngod Moderator

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    A post to the ROME.RO Forums (thanks Rob) from John Romero himself confirms rumors that the former id Software and ION Storm designer is no longer with Midway Entertainment. The reports first surfaced on Computer Games Magazine yesterday, and we contacted The Romero for a response to the rumors, which he chose to address in the forums:

    Hey guys, I can definitely confirm that I have left Midway - I've been gone for about 3 weeks and Rhaluka and I have been traveling around and having fun together (a sort of honeymoon without going to tropical destinations).

    Midway says that development of Gauntlet hasn't been impacted by my departure and is scheduled to ship this fall. I can't say anything more about the situation and hope you all understand. (smile)

    I'm currently looking at lots of exciting developments right now and it'll be a couple months before I can announce my next destination.

    Source: Blue's News

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