Signature of the Week - 8/11/04

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by Waffle, Nov 8, 2004.

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  1. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Aim of the game is to design a signature for use on this forum or any other site. It must follow these rules and guidelines:

    • Be smaller than 500x250. 500x150 is a good size.
    • Be ALL of your own work. You may ask for some help, but you must be the sole designer.
    • Do not steal someone else's work.

    It can be designed by hand, photoshop, GIMP, PSP, whatever you like.

    If you use any images such as cars, women or game characters, then please state where you got them from in the post.

    Feel free to use any brushes you find across the net, but please give credit in the post if you used any. Just a little "Brushes used from ......." will do nicely!

    The signature is free choice, ie can contain whatever you like, but in future there may be a specification.

    The contest will be judged by the Mods and Admins (assuming this is ok, let me know guys!).

    You have until Monday the 15 of November, at 15:00. Judging will be based on the categories of originality, style and overall looks. These are marked out of 10, highest total wins.


    Add a border around the sig to give it a professional look.
    Experiment with blending options and opacity.
    Don't forget to create new layers when trying new things.
    Save regularly.

    Any questions, ask here.
    Get designing folks, and good luck!

    EDIT: Thanks to Sniper's generosity we now have some prizes! (I'll also stick some stuff on the list when I go through my stuff.

    Ok the stuff up for grabs, providing at least 10 people enter the contest, are as follows.

    ZALMAN ZM-NB32J Silent Cooler
    Swordfish R3
    Swordfish R2
    Threekings R2
    LA Confidential R2

    *All from Sniper*

    The winner gets to choose which prize they want.

    Right, now that there is some incentive, get designing y'all!
  2. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    Well considering this was a big hit,:rolleyes: I think I'll extend the deadline and make it the 1st of December...hopefully we will get some submissions :eek:
  3. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    I'll enter, although i need to get a working home pc first :good:
  4. ProcalX

    ProcalX all grown up

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    Waffle you have a nice pc... why not run fah on it?
  5. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    I'm glad you just reminded me that!

    I will right now, I was waiting to get the net in my room before I did it, cos didn't want to upset mother's pc.
  6. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    I'll give it a try Waffle...just read this now...didn't know...but I'll see what I can do..don't expect much though...I'm not going to create a masterpiece...and I'm going to have to do it by hand...don't have any graphic stuff on my computer...wouldn't know how to work them even if I did!
  7. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    How do you download this as a signature?...hope you don't mind...just grabbed a picture from my file and added text! :D looks like I have to go back and make it's this? :D

    christmas is coming sooooo I thought I'd keep in the season!

    Attached Files:

  8. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    go to and upload that file. Then copy the code with the tags. Paste this into your Sig in the User CP to use it.

    Looks good! If more people entered, you'd stand a good chance at winning a prize!
  9. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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  10. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    yes, it worked.

    9 more to go...:p
  11. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Maybe, Waffle nobody knows about this...cause I never noticed until yesterday...and only because I check around for threads periodically to see if they contain any info I can use...and I was curious about signatures...could be that's why you haven't received a better response...can you post a sticky or a thread in General chat to get the word out?
    :good: :D
  12. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    I don't think that would be possible as Mod's are supposed to keep forums organised and the right posts in the right place. So by moving the thread, I'd be being a bad mod :eek:
  13. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    That's okay! I already did it for you! hehehehehehe!!!
  14. do50

    do50 Big Geek

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    Thanks for taking care of that, Egaladeist! Didn't have a clue about this until you posted in general chat. If I can get home before Dec. 1 I'd like to try... How about extending to Jan 1, Waffle? (or maybe doing something similar quarterly?)
  15. Egaladeist

    Egaladeist I am the Eg Man

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    Glad you came onboard! Welcome do50! So how about it Waffle...can you extend it again?
  16. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    well that had a fast, positive effect. Thanks for posting at General Chat, Egaladeist!

    Sniper has suggested changing it to a competition rather than once a week, and I agree.

    If there are a lot of submissions later on, I can bring back a weekly competition.

    Thread Closed and new one started in it's place.
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