Signature Requests

Discussion in 'Graphics Design' started by Waffle, Nov 13, 2004.

  1. Waffle

    Waffle Alpha Geek

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    If you would like a custom signature for this site, or any other, then please reply with a brief description and what (if any) text you would like on it. Please also indicate a preferred image(s).

    I will be happy to design it for you, and if any other member would like to submit their design as well, it can be customized with names etc.


    A grungy signature with an image of Metal Gear Rex.

    "Breed" and "Metal Gear Rex" in a suitable font please.

    Post that, and some one will get back to you!
  2. kruiz3n

    kruiz3n Geek Trainee

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    0 or go there

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