...ok same idea as the last one that you guys helped me with the coding, but this time I've gone for a framed approach among other things... Even ProcalX should like this http://www.freewebtown.com/brokenblue/Site-Prototype.html There aren't any links or naviagation, nor is it properly made yet, but I wanted to get opinions before wasting time uploading it if its naff. :good:
Looks good. On my res it looks too small so check that the site would be ok in different browsers. anyone what is it scanning?
lol just scanning for the hell of it. What res are you @? I'm on 1280 by 960 and it displays perfectly. Same for 10*76, on 800 by 600, the right side of the frame is not on screen, but those still using that reso aren't worthy of the internet! Also - any idea how to get the two sides to expand when content is added? I can't work it out. I can drag it, but I'm hoping there's a more conventional method than that.
EDIT: Finished it as far as I'm concerned, might fix a couple little issues with the shadow but I'm happy. www.final-light.tk - index.html is back online. That's about it tho, cept for the guestbook.
Oops forgot to update the link. http://www.freewebtown.com//brokenblue/index2.html I took the rest of the site offline and left a Under Construction message for the time being. You guys can feel priveliged as you get a sneak-peek at the site in development
Waffle, its better - and well done :good: but it's still not an impessive website : \ - sorry its not a dig - its just not, the iframe is great, but why not make the border invisible.. and change the scroll bar to an image of 2 arrows "up" and "down".. Also, the gif is laggy even though it's quick to load, you should convert it to Flash.. it would look alot better and you could have some much better effects.
I never thought of using flash instead of a gif....thanks, it looks a lot smoother. How do you change the images on the scroll bar? I got rid of the border but can't seem to find an image to replace the arrows with, or any such function within frontpage.