I'm waiting for Hall of Mirrors, a TC for Max Payne 2. If anyone likes the film Equilibrium, then get the TC when it comes out.
Painkiller was fun but I never finished it (kicks himself) and returned it to a friend because it was getting way to repetitive. Shame, I did want to see the final boss and all. I made it to the Nazi bunker place and said scew it. FarCry was great but I found it a little too hard, those dudes can nail you from like 50 yards with a pistol while you're croached down in the brush:x: If you needed to sum up Doom 3 in two words it would be: Monster closets.
eww its starting to smell... haha i can't wait for battlefield two and F.E.A.R. i want them so bad argh
I'm not sure but from what they say it's going to be very much like the film. Or at least the description is: "Follow the life of John Preston, using Gun-Kata to make your way through" or something like that. But yay for Gun-Kata in a game!
I picked up Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay for cheap at work. It's in my LAN bag (okay a huge duffle bag) for the move, but I'll have to fire it up after I get settled in. So, I'll probably play it in 3-4 weeks I've heard it's pretty good, and one of the sleeper hits.
yeh it did look very good, quite violent if i remember correctly from a review? Got some gnarly ragdolls, again, if i remember correctly. should be a blast to play.
I so want that game, it looked really fun, the movie was a little weird but it did lend itself to a sweet game. Gfx should be Doom 3 quality too
Sounds like I might have to invest in the game with my paycheck. Bloodrayne 2 though looks like it's gonna be AWESOME.
Cool, hmmm, haven't heard anything about Blood Rayne 2 myself, the first one was okay, though sort of silly even for a teenage guy like myself, to think they developed their own "jiggle engine" if you know what I'm saying I just recently bought some rather poor quality games based on the reviews but I thought they'd be fun. Terminator: War of the Machines, suckies game I've ever played, the so called single player is just a very loose mission with some of the most retarded bots I've ever seen, even WarCraft 2 was better than these guys, they get stuck in walls, you come right up to the baddies and the ignore you and twiddle around in hopeless choppy fashion. Plus it's bloody annoying how every 2 seconds you team mates say "Attack the base" over and over Ugh, needless to say the game is resting on my desk never to be played again. I also got Enter the Matrix which is better than it was made out to be. The camera angles are the worst I've seen and you really can hardly control your dude in bullet time "focus" mode but the moves are cool and they've got all new footage so it was worth the $2.50 or whatever I paid for it. As for True Crime: Streets of LA, I think its really cool, it's not exactly GTA but it's really fun, there's plenty to do, you can beat up people, drive around, and everything is destructable pretty much. It's also Dues Ex like because the story line branches depending on your actions. The only main problem I say so far is it's kind of ridden with cliches which is fine if you don't mind hearing stuff like the whole "I work alone" anti-partner cop babble. Oh and I got around to finishing Doom 3 too, the Cyber Deamon was mighty cool, the whole sole cube finale thing was damn spiffy. Might buy the expansion. Still have to kill Breen in HL2 though. That expansion might be fun aswell.