Ok work in progress...I've knocked up a header and border, as well as a side navigation. I don't want to progress if it looks naff, basically. The font is personally my only worry, so if anyone knows of a 'leet' font that would look better, please do let me know. Also the navigation bars (nothing on em yet) are very plain..suggestions? This is a very, very rough prototype, so nothing is final. Let me know whatcha think, please. Thanks
The nav bar would look better on the left, most sites have it on the left if there is only one nav bar, having it on the right looks unusual
Okay well the banner itself is beyond amazing, the effect is extremely cool, I'd love to see a tut on some of the techniques you used As for the fonts I might suggest a bit of a change, while I can't suggest a site offhand that won't give you horrible spyware I would advise perhaps something a little more freeform and abstract like the rest of the banner for the "Waffles Web" text and something faily basic for the 'version 2' sub header, maybe just DS Digital or something like that. If you don't already have it it's a nice font for tech work. I think the border and navi bar should be a little more shiney and metalic. Fool around with gradients but metalic silver and carbon type colors would look good. I don't know how it would look if you added a bit of wear and tear to that but probably a little out of place.
Great advice, Ex, thank you. taking heed of it, I've done as follows. Im thinking of creating a user system, and the top right can display login information etc. Yet to do a navigation bar, but I got the basic idea, I think
No that is what I'm talking about, very well done man:good: The fonts look very nice now and the structure of the site is superb. It's an attractive and trippy looking site for sure, nice one Waffles:2cool4u:
Yeah, very cool, I might have to make a website for my A-Level ICT and have beenr eading up on HTML and stuff, I've bought the book 'Creating Web Pages...For Dummies' Its got HTML, JavaScript, XML in it and has helps and books on Flash MX 2004 Dreamweaver and FrontPage, its good so far and I hope to be able to do something relatively good before christmas.
I was thinking about getting that but it was massive and overwhelmed me a bit so I just got the very straight foward PhotoShop and Dreamweaver Integration book instead, worked like a charm until I figured out I ran out of inspiration and had nothing for content. I've got the site draft lying around here somewhere.
waffle, if u send me the files for your web i can intergrate my CMS script i wrote in asp, it's got a login / database / forum / private messaging / news / user permissions e.t.c.. also waffle, i may have some paid work for you.. if your interested that is.